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in flux 意味

"in flux"の例文


  • 流動的{りゅうどう てき}で
  • flux     flux n. 流れ; 流動; 溶剤. 【形容詞 名詞+】 soldering flux 接着溶剤. 【前置詞+】
  • extraneous flux (stray flux)    extraneous flux (stray flux) 外来放射束(迷放射束)[化学]〈94確K7651:写真―濃度測定―第1部: 用語, 記号及び表記方法〉
  • [particle] flux    [particle] flux [粒子]束[その他]〈99Z4001:原子力用語〉
  • absorbed flux    absorbed flux 吸収放射束[化学]〈94確K7651:写真―濃度測定―第1部: 用語, 記号及び表記方法〉
  • active flux    活性{かっせい}フラックス
  • adjoint flux    随伴中性子束{ずいはん ちゅうせいし そく}
  • alloy flux    合金{ごうきん}フラックス
  • angular flux    角度束
  • anti-flux    {名} :
  • aperture flux    aperture flux アパーチャー放射束[化学]〈94確K7651:写真―濃度測定―第1部: 用語, 記号及び表記方法〉
  • asphalt flux    アスファルト用溶剤{よう ようざい}
  • beam flux    beam flux ビーム光束[その他]〈98Z8113:照明用語〉
  • black flux    《冶金》黒色融剤{こくしょく ゆうざい}
  • bloody flux    赤痢{せきり}


  • that there's a lot in flux , and it'll be tight .
  • now that they're gone , everything is out of balance , and the wayne empire is in flux .
    それが無くなり バランスが崩れた ウェイン帝国が揺らいでいる
  • they are paranormal love stories based on dream visions and rinne tensho (all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth , death , and rebirth - the circle of transmigration ).
  • at the root of indian society , there is the principle of rinne tensho (all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth , death and rebirth , or the circle of transmigration ) in hinduism .
  • according to original buddhist teaching , there is no such thing as the death of a person , because people experience rinne tensho (all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth , death , and rebirth , the circle of transmigration ).
  • based on the principle that all things are in flux and nothing is permanent , it is believed that lives are destined to die out eventually and transmigrate to another world (or the same world ) regardless of the world to which they transmigrated .
  • " kuon jitsujo " is the thought in the teachings of hoke-kyo sutra (the lotus sutra ) according to which buddha was not enlightened at the age of thirty-five but was coming from the eternal past as buddha (the enlightened one ) by rinne tensho (the belief that all things are in flux through the endless circle of birth , death , and rebirth , or the circle of transmigration ).
    久遠実成 (くおんじつじょう) とは、法華経の教えにおいて、釈迦は35歳で悟りを開いたのではなく永遠の過去から仏(悟りを開いた者)となって輪廻転生してきているという考え方。
  • there are expressions such as kodakara (the treasure that is children ) and doji (child ), embodiment of fertility , family prosperity and part of rinne tensho (all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth , death , and rebirth , the circle of transmigration ); for example , ' red chanchanko ' (red padded sleeveless kimono jacket , red japanese vest ) worn at the celebration of kanreki .
    - 子宝や童子などの表現や子孫繁栄や輪廻転生の一環としての具現化や例としては還暦に着る「赤いちゃんちゃんこ」などがある。
  • furthermore within the shogunate , yoshinaga nikki opposed kiyouji hosokawa and kunihiko hatakeyama and went to the southern dynasty; kiyouji , a shogun ' s deputy (kanrei ) of the muromachi shogunate , left for the southern dynasty over remarks by douyo sasaki; with the shogunate weakened by power struggles , the southern dynasty took the opportunity to briefly regain kyoto; government was in flux .
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